適正技術 Bibliography
Schumacher, E.F. 1973. Small is beautiful-A Study of Economics as if People Mattered. Blond and Briggs Ltd., 斎藤志郎訳、1976、『人間復興の経済』、佑学社、小島慶三・酒井懋訳、1986、『スモール イズ ビューティフル』、講談社学術文庫
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Carr, M. 1976. Economically Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries: An Annotated Bibliography, Intermediate Technology Publications
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Jequier, N. 1976. Appropriate Technology ? Problems and Promises. Paris: OECD
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Stewart, Frances, Technology and Underdevelopment, Second Edition, The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1978
Bhalla, A.S. 1979. Towards Global Action for Appropriate Technology, PERGAMON PRESS
Diwan, R. K. and Livingston, D. 1979. Alternative Development Strategies and Appropriate Technology, PERGAMON PRESS
Dunn, P.D. 1979. Appropriate Technology - Technology with a Human Face. Shocken Books
Evans. D.D. 1979. Appropriate Technology for Development: A Discussion and Case Histories. Westview Press
Jequier, N. and Blanc, G. 1979. Appropriate Technology Directory, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Robinson A. 1979. Appropriate Technologies for Third World Development. St. Martin’s Press
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Edwards, A.L. 1980. New Dimensions of Appropriate Technology: Selected Proceedings Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan
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Long, F.A. 1980 Appropriate Technology and Social Values: A Critical Appraisal. Cambridge MA: Ballinger
Schutter, J. and Bermer, G. ed. 1980. Fundamental Aspects of Appropriate Technology , Delft University Press and Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Institution of Civil Engineers, 1981. Appropriate Technology in Civil Engineering, Thomas Telford Ltd
McRobie, G. 1981. Small is possible. London: Sphere Books Ltd.
U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, 1981. An Assessment of Technology for Local Development, Library Press @UF
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Food and Agriculture Organization , 1982. Appropriate Technology in Forestry, Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Betz, M., McGowan, P. and Wigand, R.T. ed. 1984. Appropriate Technology: Choice and Development, Duke Press Policy Studies
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Carr, M. 1985. The AT Readers -Theory and practice in Appropriate Technology. Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd.
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Riedijk, W. 1987. Appropriate Technology for Developing Countries. Delft University Press
Stewart, F. ed. 1987. Macro-Policies for Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries, Westview Press
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Colombo, U. and Oshima, K. ed. 1989. Technology Blending: An Appropriate Response to Development, Tycooly Publishing
Riedijk, W. and Boes, J. 1989. Appropriate Technology in Industrialized Countries. Delft University Press
Heaword, R. and Larke, C. 1990. Dictionary of Appropriate Technology, Routledge Kegan & Paul
Raphael, K. 1990. The Economies of the Small - Appropriate technology in a changing world. Intermediate Technology Publications in association with Appropriate Technology International
Willoughby, K.W. 1990. Technology Choice ? A Critique of the Appropriate Technology Movement. London: Intermediate Technology Publications
Stevens, R.W. 1991. Appropriate Technology - A Focus for the Nineties. Intermediate Technology Development Group of North America
Skinner, R. 1991. Shelter, Settlements, Policy and Poor, Practical Action Publishing
Norman, D.W. 1995. The Farming Systems Approach to Development of Appropriate Technology Generation, Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Hazeltine, B. and Bull, C. 1999. Appropriate Technology -Tools, Choices and Implications. Academic Press
Smillie, I. 2000. Mastering the Machine Revisited-Poverty, Aid and Technology. Practical Action Publishing, 千葉敏生訳、2015、『貧困を救うテクノロジー』、イースト・プレス
Khor, M. and Lin, L.L. ed. 2001. Good Practice & Innovative Experiences in South: Volume 2, Social Policies, Indigenous Knowledge and Appropriate Technology, Zed Books Ltd.
Hazeltine, B. and Bull,C. 2003. Field Guide to Appropriate Technology. Academic Press
Fritsch, A. and Gallimore, P. 2007. Healing Appalachia: Sustainable Living Through Appropriate Technology, The University Press of Kentucky
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Yanful, E.K. ed. 2007. Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Protection in the Developing World, Springer
Ray, C. and Jain, R. ed. 2011. Drinking Water Treatment: Focusing on Appropriate Technology and Sustainability, Springer
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Thomas, R.J. 1994. What Machines Can’t Do: Politics and Technology in the Industrial Enterprise, University of California Press
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Bachus, S. C., Toward an Operational Definition of Appropriate Technology: Some Considerations of Theory and Practice. IFAC Proceedings Volumes September, 1979
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